segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

IELTS Task 1 #1

My answer

The bar graph illustrates the challenges that people achieve when they are in other country, separated by age,  in people with age between 18 to 34, 35 to 35 and over 55 ages. The bar graph shows three aspects that people faces, like learning another language, finding somewhere to live and making friends.

People over 55 years have how the most challenge reported the learning a new language, counting in 55 percent against the 22 percent in finding somewhere to live and 23 percent to make friends.  People who age is between 35 to 54 years don't have high variances in these three challenges. 46 percent of the people with age between 18 and 34 have "make friends" how the high challenge, following by 40 percent to finding somewhere to live and 29 percent to learning the local language.

Finally, the bar graph shows the differences between the challenges in three distinct groups of age and can be observed that the three challenges are distributed in different amounts.

WORDS: 168.

Model Ansewar

The chart shows the challenges people face when they settle in a new country and how the challenges vary according to people’s ages. The most challenging aspect for young people aged 18 to 34 is making new friends, a problem experienced by 46% of the people in this age group. 

However, only 36% of 35 - 54 year olds find it hard to make friends, while even fewer people over 55 (23%) have this problem. 54% of the older age group finds learning the local language the biggest obstacle when settling. In comparison, the youngest age group finds this easier, and the percentage of people who have problems learning the language is much lower, at only 29%. 

In contrast to their language-learning difficulties, only 22% of people in the oldest age group have trouble finding accommodation. However, this is the second most significant problem for the other two age groups with 39% to 40% of the people in each group finding it hard. 

In general, all age groups experience the same problems to some extent, but people over the age of 55 reported that they face markedly fewer challenges settling in a new country than their younger respondents.

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